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The Michigan Science Teachers Association announces a $1,000 mini-grant for four current MSTA members. 

  • Up to 4 awards of $1,000 each will be given to current MSTA members.
  • As a part of the grant process, award winners are required to write a future narrative of their project upon completion to be published in the MSTA monthly e-news.
  • Award winners will be notified by end of November 2024.
  • Projects MUST be completed by August 15, 2025.
  • Grant money is released upon demonstration of expenses.
  • A final report must be submitted that includes evaluation of outcomes.
  • Grant winners will be strongly encouraged to submit to present for the 2024 MSTA Annual Conference

Grant Narrative

  • Purpose of Grant: Give your statement of needs or problem to be addressed. Describe the target audience and how they will benefit. (Maximum one page).
  • Describe the Project: Include a description of project goals, expected outcomes and how they will be evaluated. Indicate timelines when appropriate. (Maximum one page).
  • Budget Details: Describe costs involved with the project. Give complete item descriptions and costs of purchases to be made. Indicate in-kind support.
  • Payment: Winners will receive $1,000 grant up front. Winners MUST submit an article for publication in one of MSTA’s 4 Newsletters or 2 Journals. The last publication is the May Newsletter and is the final publication with which an article must be submitted. 

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2501 Jolly Rd Suite 110 - Okemos, Michigan 48864

Phone: 734-973-0433, email:

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