Region 14

Chippewa, Delta, Luce, Mackinac and Schoolcraft Counties

Region 14 Director: Lynn Thomas

Lynn Thomas recently retired from 30 years of teaching Accelerated Chemistry and AP Chemistry at Escanaba High School. Through the course of her career, she was involved in professional development giving teachers the tools to improve science education delivery. In the model of “teachers teaching teachers,” she collaborated with the Delta Schoolcraft ISD to provide workshops to help teachers use phenomena to carry out investigations, use models, analyze data, and design solutions in science education. She recently served on a team implementing a federal “Investing in Innovation” grant, with a goal of increasing student interest in STEM and STEM careers.

Her retirement position is board president of the Marquette Area Chapter of the North Country Trail. She loves leading hikes and introducing people to the amazing flora, fauna, and geology along the Trail. She’s especially delighted when she can point out Lobaria pulmonaria, Tree Lungwort. This lichen is sensitive to atmospheric pollution and is an indicator of good air quality. Another fascinating sight is the discovery of glacial grooves in the bedrock, left when the last great ice sheet receded 10,000 years ago. Lynn thinks people will need trails and nature even more as we face the challenges of climate change.

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